What does my watch say about me?

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You can tell a lot about an individual by looking solely at their watch.

A mix of monochrome, lettering, straps and spikes; presenting my favourite trends of the moment. The sentimental piece? My watch. I ask three professionals, ‘What do they think my watch says about me?’

I inherited it from my Grandma, when she sadly passed away four years ago and it has had pride position on my right wrist ever since. It most definitely doesn’t meet the ‘watch’ definition though as it doesn’t and hasn’t ever worked. Not a single hand movement.


Gert Westermann, psychology professor– “Your attachment to an inanimate object shows that you clearly see comfort in wearing it, the same idea as a child and their comfort blanket.”

Anna Evans, jewellery designer– “As you have a mixture of fashionable jewellery along with your watch, it shows that you’re aware of current trends yet not afraid to add your own touch (your watch). As it’s not something you could buy on the high street, it creates an individual ensemble.”

Sally Wiseman, Merchandiser at River Island– “The vintage look is something you cannot properly achieve when shopping in high street stores. As soon as I saw these images of your wrist, I knew that there would be a story behind it and it shows that you have the confidence to wear something that’s a little bit ‘out of the box.”